It's nice to see some seeds you planted a long time ago finally sprout and come to life. This weekend a short film I wrote and helped produce back in January is showing at two horror themed festivals.
Sucker will premier at the
New Orleans Vampire Film Festival on Friday, October 23, and play again at the
Rhode Island International Horror Film Festival on Saturday, October 24.
Both events look great. The Vampire Film Festival is exactly what its name implies: films about vampires, along with vampire parties and lots of other vampire stuff in the perfect city for that kind of thing; and the Rhode Island International Horror Film Festival is perfectly situated in Providence, the New England gothic home town of legendary horror author H.P. Lovecraft.
I wish I could attend both festivals, but there was no way to make it work logistically and financially. So I'm driving down to Providence from Boston on Friday to see the festival kick off with other people's films, and then returning again on Saturday with friends to see my own. I'm thrilled that a free ticket to Sucker is included with the
H.P. Lovecraft walking tour of Providence.
So if you happen to be near either of those cities this weekend and want to check out a cool little horror short and a lot of other fun stuff, please do so. If you have friends in the area, tell them to get Halloween started early with some horror movie mayhem. And if you've already seen the film, let me know what you thought!