Monday, January 7, 2008

Long Live Shiva Destructive Mode


At the Screenwriting Expo I attended a seminar by Cynthia Whitcomb, an accomplished screenwriter with a long list of credits who had some unique things to say about writing.

I’ve read a lot of screenwriting books and listened to a lot of gurus and I can’t say too many of them are unique. They all seem to say the same thing in different way and most involve counting pages to make sure event x happens at point y and then audiences wonder why movies are so formulaic.

Cynthia said some things at the Expo that I haven’t heard before. In particular, I was struck by her notion of the Cycles of Creativity, especially since it’s helping me justify not writing much of anything for the last four weeks.

The Cycles are:

Brahma: the idea mode; reflected in your initial excitement at discovering a new idea, when energy and motivation seem limitless, symbolized by the Hindu god Brahma.

Vishnu: the work mode; where the glow from the lightning strike of Brahma dissipates and you are forced to do the actual work; symbolized by the Hindu god Vishnu.

Shiva: the destructive mode; where after the work is done, you [should] stop working and put your brain on neutral for a period of time to recover and recharge and clear the slate for the next lightning strike; symbolized by the Hindu god Shiva.

Cynthia believes that creativity exists in this three part cycle but most writers struggle against this natural process. Some writers exist only in Brahma, addicted to ideas but never completing the work, while the majority repeat the first two phases endlessly without taking a break. Shiva, she explains, is an important component of the writing process despite what your parents, Protestant work ethic, and former writing teachers have told you.

According to Whitcomb's system, I’ve been in Shiva for about two weeks now.

Building shelves. Feeding ducks. Moving furniture. Transferring videos to DVD. Avoiding both lightning strikes and work.

And feeling guilty, yes. I keep telling myself I should be writing (does this blog count?), but damn if some Shiva doesn’t feel good.

And necessary.

Immediately before going into Shiva mode I was actively building multiple websites, writing multiple screenplay treatments, and discussing new writing and film projects with prospective collaborators on a daily basis... and starting to feel pretty tanked.

Then suddenly everyone around me disappeared for the holidays, leaving me at home with my hands still filled with projects and wondering if others knew something I didn’t. Finally I shut down my brain and drove out to the desert and stared at bubbling mud volcanoes and sand dunes for several days.

My batteries have now charged. Partially. I got a late start this holiday season. Plus holidays aren’t particularly relaxing. Especially Christmas. Buying stuff. Catching colds. Haggling with Post Office clerks. I’d really like to continue this Shiva mode thing for another week or two or three or…

You can read Cynthia’s article on her website.

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